Mountain Worlds
The incredible beauty of the mountain worlds: Rugged Rocks, Unreal Worlds
Städtische Tierwelt
Urban Wildlife
The urban wildlife is incredibly fascinating. Their adaptability in impossible city life is incredible.
Grimbart Geschichten
Grimbart Tales
the Badgers are fascinating: some of my best images of those gorgeous animals
Die Wilde Schweiz
Wild Switzerland
Wild Switzerland: the rough and beautiful Nature of Switzerland. beautiful Forests, High Mountains, Lakes and the wildest Animals. Switzerland has it all.
Welt der Bäume
World Of Trees
The forest. Its incredibly calming atmosphere, its inhabitants, and everything that makes it special.
Der Geist des Waldes
the Ghost of the Forest
many know it as an animal that was long threatened with extinction and was even extinct in large parts of Europe. through reintroduction and habitat creation, the lynx is reclaiming its old territories.
Weisse Welten
White Worlds
Snow White. The mood that snow conveys, in a series of pictures
Wildes Südafrika: Pilanesbergs Tierparadies
Wild South Africa: Pilanesberg's Animal Paradise
Welcome to the captivating world of Pilanesberg National Park in South Africa, an oasis of natural diversity and beauty. Wild South Africa: Pilanesberg's Animal Paradise captures the incredible species richness and versatility of this unique environment. From majestic elephants and graceful cheetahs to colorful birds, each shot reflects the breathtaking diversity of Pilanesberg's wildlife. Immerse yourself in the magic of this stunning conservation area and be enchanted by the beauty and grace of its inhabitants. This collection tells the stories of the park through images that highlight the wonders of the wilderness and the significance of preserving this precious biodiversity.
Eine Welt in Schwarz und Weiss: Pilanesberg
A World in Black and Wite: Pilanesberg
Dive into the timeless elegance of South African wildlife! Our gallery presents stunning black-and-white photographs of South african Wildlife in their natural habitat. Experience the captivating beauty and emotional depth of these animals in a unique monochromatic presentation.
Naturwunder Spanien
Spains marvelous Nature
Spain's nature has a lot to offer. From breathtaking rock formations and bird-rich nature. from the little Little Owl to the great Bearded Vulture. Spain has it all.
Leben bei Nacht
Life at Night
The Hidden Worlds By Night. Few see what happens in nature once The Moon has risen.
Kleine Welten
Tiny Worlds
A collection of pictures of the Tiny worlds of our planet. Of the creatures that hardly anyone looks at closely. From tiny bees to mantis and butterflies... Tiny Worlds opens your eyes to a new world.
Wilde Küste
Coast Line
A Collection of images of the fascinating Coast and its inhabitants
Das Blaue Element
The Blue Element
A Collection of my Best Underwater photography photos
Auf dem Feld
On The Field
Animal worlds in agricultural land that everyone knows about but not all of us see
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Yannic Matt Photography

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